The Ou. Pho. Po considers that the photographers who figure (or not) in histories of photography have always followed constraints both scientific and artistic, but also theological, philosophical and ideological, be they conscious and/or unconscious, moral and/or immoral. The only discipline that can find them, pick them, peel, core and eat them is ’PATAPHYSICS.
The following is an extract (without the commentaries) from An Annotated History of Photography by Constraints, which the Ou. Pho. Po. has been compiling since 1995.
ϕ = potential photography, or a potential photograph or potential photographer, depending on context (suffixes are given when required, e.g. ϕers = photographers).
Proposed names are given in Latin (where feasible) and always in inverted commas so as to distinguish them from period appellations (always given when known).